480-529-4566 tim@globalparadox.com

Video Production Training

Teaching the Art and Science of Video Production


Learn audio and video production that’s tailored to your individual needs. Master video production skills quickly from an industry veteran who can teach the difference between the “Need-to-Know” and useless “Tech-Speak”.


Designed for Small Business, Corporate Marketing Departments, Entrepreneurs, Small Companies, and their employees.


Video Production Training Workshops

Learn the basics of video production through workshops, boot camps, or one-on-one video training designed specifically for your business. Get your video skills and knowledge up-to-speed fast.

How and Where to buy What video equipment

I admit it. There are too many choices in video production equipment for someone who is new to the industry.

Let me help you find the right gear for your needs without the worry and stress of “over-buying”.

How to Use a digital camera with skill

Anyone can point and shoot. But when you get back to the edit suite does your footage look sharp and balanced? Pretty and professional?

Learn the basics of setting up your camera and using it to the best of its’ capabilities.

How to Use microphones properly

Some audiences may let you away with the occasional over-exposure or a slight video shake (depending on your product and audience).

No-one will watch a video that has a bad audio track. I hate to say it but audio quality is paramount.

How to Set Up great lighting for video

Almost without exception, the difference between an OK video shot and a great video shot is usually in the lighting (or lack of lighting).

Learn the “tried and true” 3-point lighting technique for interviews and balanced cross lighting for speeches and events.

How to Write a script for a video

Understanding how to put visual ideas down on paper is the secret to organizing your own thoughts and being able to communicate them to others.

You’re video will benefit from a more coherent storyline and you will benefit from a more organized workflow!

How to Edit videos professionally

Skillful editing can make or break a video production. Bad editing can ruin an otherwise great video and good editing can save an otherwise bad video.

Learn the art of storytelling in the edit suite where the big secret is to have no-one notice your work!

How to Compress a video perfectly

Have you ever pulled your hair out trying to decide what codec, what frame size, what frame rate, and what target bit rate to encode your video files to?

Let me simplify it for you and stop worrying whether you got it right. And have a better-looking video at the same time.

How to Set Up a video production studio

If you plan on doing a lot of video production in the future you might be considering a studio build.

Building a studio on your own can be a nightmare without experience. I’ll help you make the right decisions so you don’t waste time or money.

Learn Video Production Skills

You can spend months researching and learning through trial and error. Or you can get professional video production training TODAY!

You’ll save a lot of time and spend a lot less money if you do!

Video Production Training Arizona

Make Great Marketing Videos

while Saving Time and Money

At Paradox Video Productions we have the talent, the experience, the equipment, and the desire to help you create video masterpieces that exceed your expectations.

Let us help you achieve your video marketing goals by providing top-notch video production training that saves you headaches, and increases your bottom line. All within your budget!

Video Production Training Phoenix

Ongoing Support

when You Need it Most

You can’t learn everything in a day, a week, or even a month. Video production isn’t rocket science but it’s certainly not simple either.

That’s why I offer continuing support for all students after we have finished our formal sessions.

Whether by phone, email, or in-person, when you have questions that you need to have answered…we’ve got your back

In addition, I can also help you with your most important videos as a freelance videographer in Phoenix. If you need video editing in Phoenix, I can help with that as well.

Customer Success

Tim was terrific, setting up the shoot, advising on shots and script, developing new ideas to move the project forward. And people like him, smart, works hard, and knows his stuff.

Bob Carden

President, Carden Communications

Tim’s attention to detail combined with his outstanding service has made him a go-to resource for our agency for years. And he’s one of the most pleasant characters you’d ever want to hang out with!

Bob Smithers

President, MossWarner Communications

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