480-529-4566 tim@globalparadox.com
Fertility Treatment Center – Educational Video

Fertility Treatment Center – Educational Video

Fertility Treatment Education Video Location: Tempe, Arizona Video Camera: Sony fs7, Panasonic HPX 170 Production Steps Involved: Client communication, staff interviews and feedback, script writing, pack camera gear, travel to location x 3, setup, shoot green screen...
Pragmatic Marketing – Sales Video

Pragmatic Marketing – Sales Video

Marketing Course – Green Screen Video Video Location: Scottsdale, Arizona & Phoenix, Arizona Video Camera: HVX 170 Production Steps Involved: Client communication, writing, storyboarding, pack camera gear, travel, shoot, video edit with graphics, upload....
Real Estate Investor – Review Video

Real Estate Investor – Review Video

Real Estate Investors Club Video Location: Scottsdale, Arizona Video Camera: Panasonic HPX 170 Production Steps Involved: Client communication, pack camera gear, travel to location, setup, shoot green screen ptc, shoot b-roll, edit with graphics, upload. Video Editing...
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